Lost Ossuary
Wood, linen, resin, guitar parts, oil paint, CNC
58.42cm x 134.62cm x 20.32cm
Nulla requies nuper eruta
(No rest for the recently unearthed)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden

Cooling Board
Wood, barn board, barbed wire, resin, guitar parts, oil paint
58.42cm x 134.62cm x 20.32cm
Si fode altum satis ideam frangitur
(If you dig deep enough you find the idea is broken)

At the Feet of the New
Wood, resin, gold leaf, guitar parts, lamp, fabric
335.28 cm (11 ft) H X 121.92cm (4 ft) W X 60.96 cm ( 2 ft) D aprox. with painted canvas backdrop
Una cum tape et cochleis
(Held together with tape and screws.)

Wood, resin, guitar parts, acrylic paint, carbon nanotube black, fabric
50.8 cm (20 in) X 139.7 cm (55 in)
Quid fit in tenebris ad lucem (What is done in the dark will be brought to the light)

The Internecine Chord
Wood, foam, resin, fabric, oil paint
60.96 cm (24 in) X 139.7 cm (55 in)
Exponendo quid infra (Exposing What lies beneath)

Only the Deal Remains
Linen, resin, oil paint, hemp rope, CNC, 3d printing
152.4 cm (60 in) H X 121.92 cm ( 48 in ) W X 76.2 cm (30 in) D aprox
Tenebris flagitiis fructus venenum (the fruit pulled from the darkness is poison)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden

The Reaching
SOLD Guitar body, resin, oil paint
20.32 cm (8 inches) x 20.32 cm (8 inches)
n collaboration with Justin Ramsden

Dark wind
SOLD sign of spirit that says move on
Guitar body, resin, oil paint
20.32 cm (8 inches) x 20.32 cm (8 inches)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden

From this day forward
Oil on panel
121.92 cm (48 inches) X 121.92 (48 inches)
upon seeing the first photo exhibit (1852), Paul Delaroche (1797-1856), declared: “From today, painting is dead.”

Such as They Are
Oil on panel
121.92 cm (48 inches) X 121.92 (48 inches)

Take these broken wings
Oil on panel
121.92 cm (48 inches) X 121.92 (48 inches)

The music in its bones
Oil on panel
60.96 cm (24 inches) X 91.44 cm (36 inches)

The Time for Deals is Past
SOLD Oil on panel
60.96 cm (24 inches) X 91.44 cm (36 inches)

Little Horn
Oil on panel
60.96 cm (24 inches) X 91.44 cm (36 inches)

The Crow gave no warning
Mixed media on Arches 140 lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
29.845 cm (11.75 inches) x 29.845 cm (11.75 inches)
:in collaboration with Laura Fernandez

Outside the cocoon it waits.
Watercolour/gouache on Arches 140lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
29.8 cm (11.75 inches) x 29.8 cm (11.75 inches)

“…poses 'Risk of Extinction”
Watercolour/gouache on Arches 140lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
29.8 cm (11.75 inches) x 29.8 cm (11.75 inches)

From my father’s palm
Watercolour/gouache on Arches 140 lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
29.845 cm (11.75 inches) x 29.845 cm (11.75 inches)

“…exposing Our Dark Desires”
Mixed media on Arches 140 lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
20.32 cm (8 inches) x 20.32 cm (8 inches)

...will Destroy Humanity
Watercolour/gouache on Arches 140lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
29.8 cm (11.75 inches) x 29.8 cm (11.75 inches)

Mixed media on Arches 140 lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
20.32 cm (8 inches) x 20.32 cm (8 inches)

“...end of the World as We Know It”
Mixed media on Arches 140lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
29.8 cm (11.75 inches) x 29.8 cm (11.75 inches)

“… apocalypse is coming!”
Watercolour/gouache on Arches 140lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
29.8 cm (11.75 inches) x 29.8 cm (11.75 inches)

An act of yesterday’s logic
Watercolour/gouache on Arches 140lb / Hot Press Watercolour Paper mounted on board
29.8 cm (11.75 inches) x 29.8 cm (11.75 inches)
in collaboration with Laura Fernandez

12:06 AM Sketchbook
Mixed media 300 pages aprox. (book; sketches)
20.32 cm (8 in) X 15.24 cm (6 in) X 2.54 cm (1in)

The Mind of the Betrayer
SOLD Resin, oil paint, 3D printed base
25.4 cm (10 inches) X 25.4 cm (10 inches)
et argentum in sinum non polies animam tuam.
(even the silver in your pocket will not polish your soul)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden

Obelisk of the Witness
Resin, oil paint, glass, wood, CNC, 3d printing
25.4 cm (10 in) X 35.56 cm(14 in)
testimonium usque ad finem
(witness to the end)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden

Rust on my tongue
Resin, oil paint, 3D printed base
25.4 cm (10 inches) X 25.4 cm (10 inches)
Innititur falsa visione (Rooted in false vision)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden

The Viral Idea
resin, hemp rope, oil paint, glass, wood, CNC, 3d printing
25.4 cm (10 inches) X 25.4 cm (10 inches)
Caecus in tenebris eventus
(Blind to the dark idea )
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden

Midnight Heart
Resin, oil paint, glass, wood, fabric, hemp rope
35.56 cm (14 in) X 25.4 cm (10 in) X 20.32 cm (8 in)
venenum nectare semen
(nectar from a poison seed)

Whispers in the Dark
Hand pulled limited edition Woodblock print on Rives BFK Printmaking Paper
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
signed and numbered edition of ten (10) with three (3) Artist’s proofs

The Looming Black
Hand pulled limited edition Woodblock print on Rives BFK Printmaking Paper
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
signed and numbered edition of ten (10) with three (3) Artist’s proofs

Eyes of a Shark
SOLD Hand pulled limited edition Woodblock print on Rives BFK Printmaking Paper
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
signed and numbered edition of ten (10) with three (3) Artist’s proofs

The Chord
Hand pulled limited edition Woodblock print on Rives BFK Printmaking Paper
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
signed and numbered edition of ten (10) with three (3) Artist’s proofs

Long tongued Liar
Hand pulled limited edition Woodblock print on Rives BFK Printmaking Paper
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
signed and numbered edition of ten (10) with three (3) Artist’s proofs

Hand pulled limited edition Woodblock print on Rives BFK Printmaking Paper
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
signed and numbered edition of ten (10) with three (3) Artist’s proofs

Whispers in the Dark (guitar)
Guitar maple body cut on CNC as woodcut block with The Devil’s Hand guitar holder
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden and Dominic Major

Long Tongued Liar (Guitar)
Guitar maple body cut on CNC as woodcut block with The Devil’s Hand guitar holder
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden and Dominic Major

The Looming Black (Guitar)
Guitar maple body cut on CNC as woodcut block with The Devil’s Hand guitar holder
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden and Dominic Major

Lightbringer (Guitar)
Guitar maple body cut on CNC as woodcut block with The Devil’s Hand guitar holder
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden and Dominic Major

The Chord (Guitar)
Guitar maple body cut on CNC as woodcut block with The Devil’s Hand guitar holder
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden and Dominic Major

Eyes of a Shark (Guitar)
SOLD Guitar maple body cut on CNC as woodcut block with The Devil’s Hand guitar holder
55.88 cm (22 inches) X 76.2 cm (30 inches)
in collaboration with Justin Ramsden and Dominic Major